Beijing University of Technology
Engineering Program for International Student

Подать заявку
Язык обучения: Китайский
Ученая степень: Non-Degree
Требование зачисления: Any education background is acceptable
Продолжительность: 4 Months
Часа / неделя : 20 hrs/wk
Дата начала: Mar. 2017
Крайний срок: Mar 14,2017
Стоимость обучения: CNY 15000 per semester
Стоимость зачисления: 70 USD (Non-Refundable)


  • 1. Non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport.
  • 2. Be in good health condition and above the age of 18.
  • 3. With reliable financial support and custody.
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Описание программы

EPIS program is composed of lectures or seminars about China Engineering, research activities and Chinese language and culture courses.

1. Lectures or Seminars about China Engineering

Students must participate in lectures about China engineering given by professors in English. The lectures might include a variety of topics relating to engineering fields.

2. Research Activities

Students must take part in specialized research under the guidance of a professor in a particular field of study. It is a team work. That is, the students are required to conduct research activity or to do a real project with other BJUT students or staff together to develop team skills in an intercultural context.

3. Chinese Language and Culture Courses

Chinese language courses designed at survival level is provided in order to make students successfully communicate with local people and therefore know more about Chinese culture. At the same time, lectures of Chinese culture (in English) will be also introduced to help students to develop understanding of Chinese values and traditions.

4. Culture Discovery

Diversified cultural activities will be organized during the program

Требования при поступлении

1. Students must be full-time engineering undergraduates who have completed their second year or full-time engineering graduate students.
2. Students should have enough English ability to meet criteria of the program.
3. Students should be healthy both mentally and physically.
4. Students should be financially capable of supporting him/herself in China.

Материалы для зачисления

1.  Photocopy of valid passport
With photo, passport number &expiration date and name included.

2 Passport-sized photo
A passport-sized photo taken recently of the applicant.

1.Как подать заявку

Выбрать прогламму обучения > Подать заявку > Получить приглашение > Оформлять визы > Подготовить перед отъездом > Начинать учиться

Шаг 1

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Шаг 2

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Шаг 3

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