China University of Political Science and Law


Атрибут: Частный
уровень: Национальный проект 211
Тип: спорт
Место нахождения:предместья

Located in the capital city of China, China University of Political Science and Law (China University of Political Science and Law ) is one of the state key universities directly affiliated to MOE of China. Currently it has played a unique and irreplaceable role in cultivating numerous talents in the area of law

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город Beijing
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Иностранные студенты 1,500
Всего учащихся 14,044
Жилье On campus
Postcode 100088
Адрес Room 311, Floor 3, Zheng Fa Building, No.5 West Rd of North 3rd Ring Road Haidian District Beijing C

Located in the capital city of China, China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) is one of the state key universities directly affiliated to MOE of China. Currently it has played a unique and irreplaceable role in cultivating numerous talents in the area of law. You can enjoy the first-class Chinese language courses here, which is renown in China. In addition, CUPL has taken an active part in foreign exchanges, and it has attracted a large number of foreign students studying here, with one in ten students is an international student.

Горячие программы
Курс степень Язык обучения Дата начала Крайний срок Плата за обучение(RMB) Стоимость зачисления(USD)
Economics Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
Science of Law Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
International Politics Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
Chinese Language Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
Chinese language (legal Chinese) Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
Chinese Language and Literature Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
English Study Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 110 любимый
German Study Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 15 08,2016 20000 65 любимый
Business Administration Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 06,2016 20000 110 любимый
Administrative Management Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 06,2016 20000 110 любимый
Полезные документы
  • DownloadSchool & Institutes of CUPL
  • DownloadResearch Institutes of CUPL
  • ViewAdmission Letter
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