Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Broadcast and TV Editing and Directing

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Язык обучения: Китайский
Ученая степень: Степень бакалавра
Требование зачисления: High School Graduate
Продолжительность: 4 Years
Часа / неделя : 22 hrs/wk
Дата начала: Sep. 2016
Крайний срок: Aug 15,2016
Стоимость обучения: CNY 15000 per year
Стоимость зачисления: 85 USD (Non-Refundable)


  • 1. Non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport.
  • 2. Be in good health condition and above the age of 18.
  • 3. With reliable financial support and custody.
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Описание программы

The major is designed to train professionals with expertise in the planning, creation, and production of radio and television with a high political level and tastes of arts. They have a good command of the basic theory, advanced digital television production technology and network technology. They are qualified for such positions as creative planning, director of radio and television programs, video creation and production, art photography, acoustic design and sound director in the radio and television system, the culture propaganda departments, network operators, colleges and universities, and other related enterprises and institutions.
The major stresses the integration of the high-tech with modern art. It closely integrates digital media with creative industries, cultivating all-round personnel of planning, editing and broadcast.

Требования при поступлении

With senior high school diploma and HSK certificate of level 4 or above

Материалы для зачисления

1.Certificate of HSK
    Certificate of HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)

2.Photocopy of valid passport
    With name, passport number & expiration date, and photo included

3.Passport photo
    A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant

4.High school academic transcript

5.High school graduate certificate
    Graduation certificate in languages other than Chinese or English should be translated into Chinese or English and be certified by notarization.
1.Как подать заявку

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