Язык обучения: | английский |
Ученая степень: | Степень магистра |
Требование зачисления: | Bachelor's Degree |
Продолжительность: | 3 Years |
Часа / неделя : | 22 hrs/wk |
Дата начала: | Sep. 2016 |
Крайний срок: | Jul 31,2016 |
Стоимость обучения: | CNY 25000 per year |
Стоимость зачисления: | 65 USD (Non-Refundable) |
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The duration of Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications master course is three years. Students can apply for finishing the course in advance or postponing the graduation, however, the minimum study period is 2 years and the maximum including temporary suspension of schooling is 6 years.
The curriculum of graduates is divided into two parts including degree course and non-degree course. The degree courses are aim to reflect the most important and basic theory and specialized knowledge of disciplines. It must be the necessary course to obtain Master degree.Non-degree course includes specialized courses, free-elective courses and compulsory courses.
Every student who is seeking for a master degree should have studied 42 credits and own good grades based on the regulation. Furthermore,the credits for degree course should have at least 33 credits.
Degree Courses(examination)
Public compulsory courses:17credits(examination)
Public basic courses:at least 6 credits(examination)
Specialized Basic course:at least10 credits(examination)
Non-degree Courses(study)
Specialized course:In order to guarantee graduates have prerequisite
specific knowledge, our college have set courses based on research.(at
least 4 credits)
Free Elective:In order to broaden the horizon of graduates and know the
latest scientific technology, the free elective courses including
Second Foreign Language(except Chinese); Other cross-major Course
approved by tutor; Public elective course
Corporation Practice(Compulsory)
In order to cultivate graduates to master the basic scientific
method of research and have the ability to shoulder the specific
technology of each job, the study of papers is un-substituted and
important. Hence,there are some specific requirements:
1.The Basic Demand for Master Dissertation
The selection of the subject should be of theoretical and practical
importance. The Dissertation should contain necessary theoretical
analysis and lab results, as well as new insights. The author should
prove his/her mastery of basic theories and systematic knowledge, and
ability to do scientific research or take on specific work on
2.The work of Master dissertation
After determining the subject , which has due academic value, under the
tutor's guidance, Postgraduate students should start the thesis work.
Generally, the working time shall not be less than a year. Papers
should be reported to supervisors once a week and the due amount should
be finished on time.
Master degree thesis should be finished independently under the tutor's
guidance. Degree thesis writing should be done based on Postgraduate
students degree thesis writing format norms.
3.Degree thesis defense application, review, defense and degree awarded
should be carried out according to Rules of the Postgraduate student
degree awarding
Course Category |
Courses |
Hours |
Credit |
Remark |
Academic Degree |
Public Compulsory |
Statistics |
48 |
3 |
17 credits |
Production and operational management |
48 |
3 |
C language |
64 |
4 |
Computer network |
48 |
3 |
Fundamental data-base |
64 |
4 |
Public Basic Course |
Decision Analysis |
48 |
3 |
6 credits |
Managerial Economics |
48 |
3 |
Specialized Basic Course |
Modern Management Theory |
32 |
2 |
At least 10 credits |
Modern operational research |
32 |
2 |
Management Research Methods |
32 |
2 |
Negotiation Analysis |
32 |
2 |
Management Information System |
32 |
2 |
Information System Analysis and Design |
32 |
2 |
Non-degree Courses |
Specialized Course |
Data warehouse and knowledge discovery |
32 |
2 |
At least 4 credits |
Network Technology and Application |
32 |
2 |
E-commerce Theory and Practice |
32 |
2 |
Credit Management of E-commerce |
32 |
2 |
Logistics Operation Management |
32 |
2 |
Logistic Information System |
32 |
2 |
Project Plan and Management |
32 |
2 |
Project financing and Management |
32 |
2 |
Applied System Analysis |
32 |
2 |
Risk Analysis |
32 |
2 |
Free Elective |
Second Foreign Language |
32 |
2 |
Other cross-major Course |
32 |
2 |
Science and Technology Literature Search |
32 |
2 |
![]() Требования при поступлении![]() Материалы для зачисленияWith name, passport number & expiration date, and photo included 2.Passport photo A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant 3.Undergraduate school transcript 4.Bachelor's degree diploma Graduation certificate in languages other than Chinese or English should be translated into Chinese or English and be certified by notarization. 5.Letter of recommendation From professor or associate professor or equivalents ![]() 1.Как подать заявкуВыбрать прогламму обучения > Подать заявку > Получить приглашение > Оформлять визы > Подготовить перед отъездом > Начинать учиться ![]() Шаг 1 Заполнить форму заявки он-лайн![]() ![]() Шаг 2 Загрузить нужные документы на заявки![]() ![]() Шаг 3 Оплатить сбор за услуги и помогают вам отдать документы в университет![]() ![]() Шаг4 Проверить статус процесс![]() |