Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Preparatory Program for Undergraduate Study

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Язык обучения: Китайский
Ученая степень: Non-Degree
Требование зачисления: High School Graduate
Продолжительность: 1 Year
Часа / неделя : 17 hrs/wk
Дата начала: Sep. 2016
Крайний срок: Dec 15,2016
Стоимость обучения: CNY 12000 per year
Стоимость зачисления: 85 USD (Non-Refundable)


  • 1. Non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport.
  • 2. Be in good health condition and above the age of 18.
  • 3. With reliable financial support and custody.
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Описание программы

CQUPT offers Chinese Language Programs of various lengths all the year round.

According to the Chinese proficiency, the students will be divided into different classes after taking a test. The classes are Elementary, Junior, Intermediate and Senior.

The main aim is to improve the students' listening and speaking abilities, as well as reading and writing skills. Classroom activities will be organized with lots of conversations, reading practice, and seminars. In line with teaching syllabus, students will be arranged to participate in movie appreciation, tours and performances and so on.

The main courses include Oral Chinese, Listening, Reading, Video-audio Chinese, News Listening, Writing, Chinese Culture and Newspaper Reading. In accordance with the actual level of the students, lectures as the Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Chinese Geography and Travels in China are to be given. There are Taijiquan, Qigong, Wushu (Martial Arts), Calligraphy, Chinese Painting and Chinese Culinary Art courses available for the students.

Classroom activities are based on essential Chinese.

Требования при поступлении

With senior high school diploma

Материалы для зачисления

  1. Photocopy of valid passport
    With name, passport number & expiration date, and photo included
  2. Passport photo
    A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant
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