Язык обучения: | Китайский |
Ученая степень: | Non-Degree |
Требование зачисления: | High School Graduate |
Продолжительность: | 1 Semester |
Часа / неделя : | 17 hrs/wk |
Дата начала: | Mar. 2017 |
Крайний срок: | Jan 25,2017 |
Стоимость обучения: | CNY 7000 per semester |
Стоимость зачисления: | 85 USD (Non-Refundable) |
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The aim of program is to gain basic methods and skills of Wushu, and thus students will be able to perform Chinese Wushu and fight in Wushu matches. Also the students will get initial understanding and basic knowledge of traditional Chinese Culture such as traditional methods to preserve health, and obtain ability to spread Chinese Wushu. The courses will be taught by the professionals.
Training content includes,
1) Wushu basic skills: fist types and methods, footwork and posture, flexibility.
2) Taolu (Routines): Taijiquan, Chinese Boxing, Swordplay, Stick Acrobatic Play, Nanquan, Baji Boxing, Wu Qin Xi.
3) Chinese Traditional Culture.
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