Язык обучения: | Китайский |
Ученая степень: | Non-Degree |
Требование зачисления: | Any education background is acceptable |
Продолжительность: | 1 Semester |
Часа / неделя : | 22 hrs/wk |
Дата начала: | Sep. 2016 |
Крайний срок: | Dec 19,2016 |
Стоимость обучения: | CNY 8000 In total |
Стоимость зачисления: | 65 USD (Non-Refundable) |
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Students are required to complete the curriculum and course, fulfill the designated number of credits.Successful candidates will receive a graduation certificate along with the bachelor's degree, in accordance to the regulation of the Degree Awarding Committee.
Note:Candidates should pass new HSK Level 2 or above for the majors of Clinical Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing. For clinical internship, students should pass new HSK Level 4. New HSK Level 4 is essential for admission to Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is required that applicant for Chinese language should be capable with the basic English language level.
1. Candidates should be between 18 and 40 years old and in good health;
2. Candidates should be non-Chinese citizens and hold the foreign valid ordinary passport;
3. Medical Undergraduate Diploma: Candidates should have a high school diploma or equivalent;
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