Описание программы
The School of International Culture Exchange was founded in 2002, formerly known as The Department of Teaching Chinese as A Foreign Language. Within the same year, the department was authorized to enroll foreign students and the education for the students abroad has developed its own distinct characteristics over these years. This school is equipped with a well-balanced team of full-time teachers who are mainly masters and doctors of language majors. There are 21 teachers, including 2 professors, 7 associate professors, 6 teachers with doctor's degree and 10 with master's degree, 10 of whom have the Certificate of Teachers’ Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language.
The school is based on rich financial and educational resource with the high-lighted characteristic of business Chinese teaching and integrated education system for the students abroad. Courses of various levels are set up, such as undergraduate course, advanced course, long-term language course, short-term language course, all in the model of small-class teaching. Credit-hour system and flexible elective system are used. By February in 2008, there have been students from many countries like North Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Switzerland studying here, and they all have done a good job in the HSK test.
B.A. Teaching Chinese as A Second Language
Objectives: This major aims to train students to the need of Social Market Economy. They should be of integrated development, master the basic theory, knowledge and skills of both Chinese and English and become familiar with the Chinese and foreign literature and cultural. They should also acquire the ability to do the TCFL teaching and to be a secretary, creatively in the practical situation, and be able to teach Chinese in any kind of schools at home and abroad, or work as secretary, in both governmental offices and foreign companies.
Objects: Four-year Bachelor of Literature Degree
Main courses: Modern Chinese Language, Ancient Chinese Language, Language Theory, semantics, Modern linguistics genre, Subject on modern Chinese Language Character and Syntax, Teaching Conspectus of TCFL, Mandarin, College English, Primary Oral English, Medium Oral English, Primary Listening English, Medium Listening English, English Writing, Translate Chinese into English, Translate English into Chinese, Business English, etc. In addition, Bilingual Courses such as Cross-Culture and International Business Writ are also offered in the teaching scheme.
1、Qualified both in Chinese and English
Under the situation of the globalization, it is very important to be qualified both in Chinese and English so as to meet the need of the work as TCFL or Foreign-oriented Secretary. Therefore, in the teaching plan, the language course is highlighted and reaches 67 credit hours, almost 45% of the whole 149 credit hours (excluding the practice teaching and the elective), and the English courses reach 30 credit hours and Chinese courses 37 through the 7 semesters in the four-year.
2、Command of certain financial and economic knowledge
One speciality that distinguishes the TCFL major in NAU from other universities is that the students here are applicable professionals with certain amount of financial and economic knowledge which is acquired from electives.
3、Strong applicability
Students are offered with two directions in their 3rd year , that is , the direction of TCFL and the direction of advanced foreign-oriented secretary according to which a series of applicable skill courses are set up。
4、Economy-Business Chinese speciality in the training of students abroad
The department adjusts the courses and Chinese teaching method according to the need of the students abroad, for example, Economy-Business Chinese was set up and turned out to be quite popular with the students abroad. Thanks to the Economy-Business speciality in our TCFL teaching,the applicability of the Chinese leaning has been strengthened, which improves the students' English learning enthusiasm.