Wuhan University
Media and Communication Study

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Язык обучения: английский
Ученая степень: Степень магистра
Требование зачисления: Bachelor's Degree
Продолжительность: 3 Years
Часа / неделя : 22 hrs/wk
Дата начала: Sep. 2016
Крайний срок: Jul 31,2016
Стоимость обучения: CNY 32500 per year
Стоимость зачисления: 140 USD (Non-Refundable)


  • 1. Non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport.
  • 2. Be in good health condition and above the age of 18.
  • 3. With reliable financial support and custody.
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Описание программы

I. Program Introduction 

The International class on Media and Communication Study of Wuhan University is designed for international graduate students. It aims to educate students with theoretical knowledge and professional skills about media and communication, with broad international visions of policies and regulations related to media and communication, as well as with enterprising and innovative spirits. 

II. Main Courses 

All specialized compulsory courses and elective courses are taught in English, using English textbooks. The submitted course work and thesis should be written in English and provided with Chinese-English summary. 

Professional core courses: Mass Communication Research: Theory and Methodology, Media Culture and Media Critics, Communication Theory Research, Telecommunication Study: Theory and Practice, Global Media Research, Comparative Research of China and Western Journalism, Advertising Communication Theory Research, Media Economy Theory, New Media and Technology, Digital Communication: Research and Practice, etc. 

Требования при поступлении

1. Aged 18 or above

2. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.

3. Hold a Bachelor's degree.

Материалы для зачисления

1. Application Form for Foreign Students with a photograph fixed;

2. Bachelor degree certificate (notarized version, in notarized Chinese or English translation);

3. Bachelor degree transcripts (notarized version, in notarized Chinese or English translation);

4. One photocopy of your valid passport;

Note:  The applications documents and related documents will not be returned. Even beginners can apply for Undergraduate program of Chinese language.

1.Как подать заявку

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