Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University


Атрибут: Частный
уровень: Обычный национальный
Тип: спорт
Место нахождения:предместья

SICAS(Study In China Admission System) offers online admission for international students to Study in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University , in the most accurate,effective and safe way,XJTLU is China’s top international university. It’s China and the United Kingdom’s most outstanding joint research institute

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город Suzhou
Google Map
Иностранные студенты 100
Всего учащихся 6,000
Жилье On campus
Postcode 215123
Адрес 111 Ren'ai Road, Dushu Lake Higher Education Town, Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou City, Jiangsu Provi

XJTLU is China’s top international university. It’s China and the United Kingdom’s most outstanding joint research institute. Located in Suzhou, one of China’s most attractive and developed cities with a history over 3000 years, the university is only 20 minutes by high speed train away from China’s largest city Shanghai. Suzhou China-Singapore Industrial Park (SIP) is a project between Chinese and Singaporean governments, and is the home of many multinational high-tech companies.

Горячие программы
Курс степень Язык обучения Дата начала Крайний срок Плата за обучение(RMB) Стоимость зачисления(USD)
Civil Engineering, BEng Bachelor's Degree English 09,2016 30 06,2016 80000 150 любимый
Architecture BA (Hons) Bachelor's Degree English 09,2016 12 07,2016 80000 150 любимый
Architecture BA (Hons) Bachelor's Degree English 09,2016 12 07,2016 80000 150 любимый
Полезные документы
  • DownloadSchool & Institutes of XJTLU
  • DownloadResearch Institutes of XJTLU
  • ViewAdmission Letter
Как подать заявку

Choose a Course > Apply > Get Accepted > Apply for Visa > Pre-departure > Start Studying

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