Xiamen University
Software Engineering

Подать заявку
Язык обучения: Китайский
Ученая степень: Степень бакалавра
Требование зачисления: High School Graduate
Продолжительность: 4 Years
Часа / неделя : 22 hrs/wk
Дата начала: Sep. 2016
Крайний срок: Jun 01,2016
Стоимость обучения: CNY 20000 per year
Стоимость зачисления: 100 USD (Non-Refundable)


  • 1. Non-Chinese citizens with a valid passport.
  • 2. Be in good health condition and above the age of 18.
  • 3. With reliable financial support and custody.
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Требования при поступлении

a) International students between 18-30 years old with good health and foreign passports;

Note: According to the latest notice from the Ministry of Education, as from 2010, applicants from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who have emigrated abroad should present a foreign passport valid for no less than four years with a record of having been resident abroad for at least 2 of the last four years up to April 30. Nine months of residence abroad will be taken as one year for visa purposes.

b) International students with the completion of a high school diploma and the average transcripts B or above (over 70%).

c) Applicants should get HSK Certificate of third level or above. Students whose courses are taught mainly in Chinese during high school are exempt from the HSK Certificate.

Материалы для зачисления

1.Chinese or English Proficiency Certificate

2.Photocopy of valid passport
With name, passport number & expiration date, and photo included

3.Passport photo
A recent passport-sized photo of the applicant

4.High school academic transcript

5.High school graduate certificate
Graduation certificate in languages other than Chinese or English should be translated into Chinese or English and be certified by notarization.

6.Other materials
Other supporting documents including awards, internships certificate, recommendation letters, which will be highly considered.

7.Photocopies of personal artwork
Applicants applying for Architecture and Artistic Design should have art background and are required to submit their artworks.

8.Personal Statement
Explaining your studies, work experiences and research plan. You should also give information of any academic publications or other scholarly achievements you believe may be relevant.(more than 500 words)
1.Как подать заявку

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