Zhongyuan University of Technology


Атрибут: Частный
уровень: Обычный национальный
Тип: спорт
Место нахождения:предместья

Zhongyuan University of Technology was founded in 1955 under the name Zhengzhou Textile Institute. It is one of the first groups of colleges approved by the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in China to enroll foreign students

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город Zhengzhou
Google Map
Иностранные студенты 25
Всего учащихся 30,000
Жилье On campus
Postcode 450007
Адрес No. 41 Zhongyuan Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

Zhongyuan University of Technology was founded in 1955 under the name Zhengzhou Textile Institute. It is one of the first groups of colleges approved by the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs and the Ministry of Education (MOE) in China to enroll foreign students. And a majority of the international students there have passed the HSK. Besides, ZUT has set up friendly cooperation with universities in U.

Горячие программы
Курс степень Язык обучения Дата начала Крайний срок Плата за обучение(RMB) Стоимость зачисления(USD)
Law Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
English Language Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Radio &Television Science Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Artistic Design Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Photography Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Techniques of Broadcasting & Anchoring Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Information & Computer Science Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Applied Physics Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Machine Design &Manufacturing and Their Automation Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Material Processing and Control Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 10 06,2016 15000 65 любимый
Полезные документы
  • DownloadSchool & Institutes of ZYUT
  • DownloadResearch Institutes of ZYUT
  • ViewAdmission Letter
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