Changsha Medical University


Атрибут: Частный
уровень: Частный
Тип: спорт
Место нахождения:предместья

Changsha Medical University is located in Changsha, the capital of the Hunan Province of China as well as the hometown of Chairman Mao, known as the architect and founding father of the People's Republic of China (PRC) from its establishment in 1949. Situated in such a cradle of genius, Changsha Medical University is recognized by WHO, UNESCO, CSC, CMC and approved by PMDC (Pakistan Medical & Dental Council)

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город Changsha
Google Map
Иностранные студенты 146
Всего учащихся 16,058
Жилье On campus
Postcode 410219
Адрес Hunan Changsha City Yuelu District

Changsha Medical University is located in Changsha, the capital of the Hunan Province of China as well as the hometown of Chairman Mao, known as the architect and founding father of the People's Republic of China (PRC) from its establishment in 1949. Situated in such a cradle of genius, CSMU is recognized by WHO, UNESCO, CSC, CMC and approved by PMDC (Pakistan Medical & Dental Council). Now the CSMU MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) in the medium of Chinese is growing in popularity among International students. CSMU is more competitive than other counterparts in terms of affordable tuition fees.

Горячие программы
Курс степень Язык обучения Дата начала Крайний срок Плата за обучение(RMB) Стоимость зачисления(USD)
Human Anatomy Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Histology Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Embryology Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Physiology Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Pathology Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Diagnostics Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Preventive Medicine Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Pathogen Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Surgery Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Biology Immunology Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 30 08,2016 15000 65 любимый
Полезные документы
  • DownloadSchool & Institutes of CSMU
  • DownloadResearch Institutes of CSMU
  • ViewAdmission Letter
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