there are many kinds of banks and hospitals in Wuhan, SICAS(Study in China Admission System) provides a lot of information on the banks and hospitals in Wuhan. if you come accross anyother problems, don't hesitate to cantact with SICAS.
Transportation to Huazhong Agricultural University is very convenient, the transportation tools include shuttle bus, taxi, ferry, public bus and train. SICAS can pick you up from the airport if you book SICAS “Plus Package Service”
Nightlife in Wuhan is colorful. SICAS recommends you some great spot to spend your night life.
SICAS(Study in China Admission System) introduces you famous restaurants and local food around Huazhong Agricultural University
Huazhong Agricultural University relatively low compared with some international cities. SICAS (Study In China Admission System) offers free online admission for international students to study in Shandong University in the most accurate, effective and safe way.
Admission letters to the students who applied through SICAS