Язык обучения: | английский |
Ученая степень: | Степень бакалавра |
Требование зачисления: | High School Graduate |
Продолжительность: | 4 Years |
Часа / неделя : | 22 hrs/wk |
Дата начала: | Sep. 2016 |
Крайний срок: | Aug 23,2016 |
Стоимость обучения: | CNY 30000 per year |
Стоимость зачисления: | 100 USD (Non-Refundable) |
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The Telecommunications Engineering in HUST ranks No.1 in the field of domestic. As the key discipline of Dept.of Electronics & Information Engineering, which founded in 1960, is the first faculty of foreign students enrolled in HUST and has oversea students over 160, this program has extensive cooperation with foreign universities and research institutions.
Basic Courses in Discipline
Data Structure, Electronic Circuits of Communication, Stochastic Process, Operation System, Experiment of Microcomputer Principle, Electromagnetic Field and Wave, Digital Signal Processing, Basics of Fundamental Information, Principle and Design of Embedded System, Principles of Communication, Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering
Laboratory equipment (click the pics to enlarge)
Laboratory equipment of HUST
Laboratory equipment of HUST
Bachelor Degree of Engineering.
Teacher Highlight
![]() |
Yu Hongbin (Professor of telecommunication engineering of HUST) |
1. High school graduates or above
2. be healthy.
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