there are many kinds of banks and hospitals in Wuhan, SICAS(Study in China Admission System) provides a lot of information on the banks and hospitals in Wuhan. if you come accross anyother problems, don't hesitate to cantact with SICAS.
Transportation to Huazhong University of Science and Technology is very convenient, the transportation tools include shuttle bus, taxi, ferry, public bus and train. SICAS can pick you up from the airport if you book SICAS “Plus Package Service”
Nightlife in Wuhan is colorful. SICAS recommends you some great spot to spend your night life.
SICAS(Study in China Admission System) introduces you famous restaurants and local food around Huazhong University of Science and Technology
As an international student studying in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, you can choose to live on campus or off campus, SICAS(Study in China Admission System) gives the details of the accommodation on campus and off campus.
Student Service and Facilities for study in Huazhong University of Science and Technology,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China In the West No 3 Club, the stadium in the west district, the Entertainment Center for Senior Citizens, the Entertainment Center for the Staff, there are parties held each Friday-Sunday evening. The East No.4 Club has movies played, and on the 2nd floor of the old library there are videos of many classic foreign movies in the Video Room. The Entertainment Center for University Students in the east campus has a ballroom and a video hall, which are open on weekends and serves cold drinks, coffee, and pastry. The Center is of good atmosphere and gives an attractive sentiment
Registration for study in Huazhong University of Science and Technology ,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China International students' office, the School of International Education, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Campus Map for study in Huazhong University of Science and Technology,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China Located in Luoyu East Road of Wuhan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has many teaching buildings, libraries, dormitories and labs, such as Laboratory of Animal, Laboratory of Large Electromechanical, and Laboratory of Coal Burns etc. Except these buildings, there are also many gym, like West Stadium, Guanggu Gymnasium. Near the campus, there are hospitals, banks , post office and many restaurants. You could click below picture to know more information about the campus
Admission letters to the students who applied through SICAS