Jining Medical University

Why study in Jining Medical University

Hometown of Confucius

Jining City is the hometown of Confucius, he is one of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius (circa 551-479 BC). 

16000 full-time undergraduate and junior students

 The university consists of 15 schools and departments. It has 11 affiliated hospitals and 140teaching bases. The university recruits students from 25 provinces of China. It has 16000 full-time undergraduate and junior students.

Over 30 majors and specialties of undergraduate education

There are over 30 majors and specialties of undergraduate education, covering 5 disciplines-medicine, science, engineering, management and literature-and one authorized first-level postgraduate education program on clinical medicine. 

More than 480 teachers with Ph.D. or M.S. Degree

There are more than 1100 staff in our university, including 810 full-time teachers, over 300 professors and associate professors, more than 480 teachers with Ph.D. or M.S. Degree, and 446 visiting professors. 

High-quality courses of Shandong province

It has a number of state-level specialties, provincial specialties, provincial level teaching teams, key disciplines of Shandong province, provincial level key laboratories, and achieved much accomplishments in the construction of national high-quality course, high-quality courses of Shandong province, provincial model course of bilingual teaching, province-level teaching demonstration centers.