Northeast Dianli University


Application Fee
 CNY 400

Tuition fee per year
Bachelor’s degree Program:
CNY 17000
Master’s degree Program: CNY 19000
Doctoral degree Program: CNY 22000
Language student: CNY 10400

The students who study at NEDU more than one semester may purchase medical insurance for hospitalization and accident injury. The premium is CNY 600 Yuan per year or 400 Yuan per half-year.

Accommodation Fee
Hotel on campus:
•5$ per day per person---2 persons sharing one regular room•3$ per day per person ---2 persons sharing one regular room

Apartments off campus:
•2.5$ per -----1 sitting room, two bed rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom.
Note: The actual housing expenses may vary.

Students can have meals at university cafeteria at their own expense.