there are many kinds of banks and hospitals in Guangzhou, SICAS(Study in China Admission System) provides a lot of information on the banks and hospitals in Guangzhou. if you come accross anyother problems, don't hesitate to cantact with SICAS.
Nightlife in Guangzhou is colorful. SICAS recommends you some great spot to spend your night life.
SICAS(Study in China Admission System) introduces you famous restaurants and local food around South China Normal University
Transportation to South China Normal University is very convenient, the transportation tools include shuttle bus, taxi, ferry, public bus and train. SICAS can pick you up from the airport if you book SICAS “Plus Package Service”
As an international student studying in South China Normal University, you can choose to live on campus or off campus, SICAS(Study in China Admission System) gives the details of the accommodation on campus and off campus.
transportation for study in South China Normal University,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China Convenient transportations near SCNU makes it perfect to travel around. Buses with air conditioner cost 2 yuan, and the ones without air conditioner cost 1 yuan only. Keep an eye on your belongings when traveling on bus. As convenient as buses, taxi service is normally 24-hour available, which is measured by mileage. There is a taximeter at the front of a taxi, basic price is normally 7 yuan and 1 yuan/km. For each trip, 2yuan of additional fuel tax is charged. There is a sign of “TAXI” at top of a taxi and driver’s photo, name card, phone number and company within a taxi. Ask for the invoice when getting off in case of any problems.
Student service for study in South China Normal University,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China Visa and the Residence Permit are complicated. It is advised that you read the following details carefully or contact the Foreign Affairs Office to make sure that there is no problem with your visa and your residence permit during your stay at SCNU.
Registration for study in South China Normal University,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China The fall semester starts on about September. On arriving at SCNU, newly enrolled students should register at the Foreign Affairs Office within the period designated in the Admission Notice. For registration, the student should submit the Admission Notice, the visa application form JW202 and passport
Campus Map for study in South China Normal University,study in China,study MBBS in China ,study Business in China,study Engineering in China, study Chinese in China
Admission letters to the students who applied through SICAS