Zhejiang University


Атрибут: Частный
уровень: Национальный проект 211
Тип: спорт
Место нахождения:предместья

Zhejiang University, founded in 1897, was initially known as "Qiushi Shuyuan" (Qiushi Academy), one of the earliest modern academies of higher learning established in China. Zhejiang University is a comprehensive national university covering all study fields

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город Hangzhou
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Иностранные студенты 2,191
Всего учащихся 42,117
Жилье On campus
Postcode 310058
Адрес No. 388, Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China

Founded in 1897, Zhejiang University was initially known as "Qiushi Shuyuan" (Qiushi Academy), one of the earliest modern academies of higher learning established in China. ZJU is a comprehensive national university covering all study fields. It also provides the overseas students with good study and living conditions. It had its first enrollment of international students in 1979 and since then, more than 20,000 international students coming from 115 countries across the world, have come to study in the school.

Горячие программы
Курс степень Язык обучения Дата начала Крайний срок Плата за обучение(RMB) Стоимость зачисления(USD)
MBBS in English Bachelor's Degree English 09,2016 30 06,2016 42800 75 любимый
Accounting Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Agricultural/Forest Economy Management Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Materials Science and Engineering Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Industrial Engineering Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Philosophy Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 19800 65 любимый
Economics Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Software Engineering Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Agricultural Resources and Environment Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Agronomy Bachelor's Degree Chinese 09,2016 31 05,2016 24800 65 любимый
Полезные документы
  • DownloadSchool & Institutes of ZJU
  • DownloadResearch Institutes of ZJU
  • ViewAdmission Letter
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