Fee Structure
Application fee: RMB 400 Yuan.
Tuition fee:
RMB 13,000 Yuan for Chinese language study in an academic year.
RMB 15,000 Yuan for advanced students and Chinese taught bachelor-degree students in an academic year. (RMB16,000 Yuan/year for English-taught majors of International Economics and Trade, International Marketing; RMB18,000 Yuan/year for English-taught major of Civil Engineering)
Accommodation fee:
RMB 1200 Yuan/month/student in single room.
RMB 600 Yuan/month/student in double-bed room.
Accommodation fee includes water bill and internet bill, but excludes electricity bill. Students should pay accommodation fees for at least 5 months when they register. If students live for less than 5 months, extra fees will be returned before they leave. If you have any special reason, please hand in application and should receive the director's agree. Electricity bills should be paid at the first week of the month.
Room Deposit:
RMB 1000 Yuan per student. When students finish their study, room deposit will be returned to students before they leave if all the equipments work well and furniture is good. If something is broken or damaged, students have to pay for them. Otherwise, we have to deduct the money from their deposit.
Insurance fee:
RMB 300 Yuan for half a year or RMB 600 Yuan for a year.
Books bill:
It will depend on the real price of books delivered (about RMB 300 Yuan per semester).
Bed Set: RMB 300 Yuan
From this semester all new students will live in the international students living building. They are not allowed to live outside of campus. There are all necessary equipments in the room: air conditioner, TV, refrigerator, water heater, shower, bed, desk, chair, wardrobe, telephone, free internet. Public kitchen and public washing machine are also provided.
Please kindly inform us your preferred room in advance: single or double-bed room. We will try to arrange the room according to students’ requirements.
Students should take or buy quilts, pillow, bed cover, quilt cover and pillow cover. The bed size is 1.2m*2.0m(double-bed room) 1.5*2.0(single room). In order to improve the service efficiency, we assist students to buy the bed set. The quilts and pillow is 100 yuan. The bed cover, quilt cover and pillow cover is 100 yuan. If you want to book them,please tell us in advance.